Food Safety Training

Most food service workers have no formal food safety training prior to joining the food service industry. Assuring a competent workforce should be at the foundation of any organization’s food-borne disease prevention strategy.


Level One Training

Level One Certification in Food Protection, is a mandated training for the person in charge per shift of a risk level I, II, III, and IV food service operation or retail food establishment in the following instances:

-When a new food service operation or a new retail food establishment is licensed after March 1, 2010 unless the individual has successfully completed an equivalent or more
comprehensive certification in food protection course (Level Two Certification).

-When a food service operation or retail food establishment has been implicated in a foodborne disease outbreak.

-When the licensor has documented a failure to maintain sanitary conditions as per section 3717.29 of the Revised Code for a retail food establishment or section 3717.49 of the Revised
Code for a food service operation.

ServSafe Starters Course Online 

Ohio has been approved by the Ohio Department of Health, ODH # 89-17, for food service operations and retail food establishments that need Level One training. This course has been modified to ensure that all employees that need Level One training will receive all of the modules that are in the course. Once they have successfully completed the course they will receive the approved Certificate of Completion.

Click here to get started with ServSafe

Level Two Training

The Level Two certification in Food Protection, which has been the certification program since 1973, is a more extensive training for the food manager and meets the requirement for demonstration of knowledge in rule 3717-1-02.4 (B) of the Administrative Code.

A list of approved courses and examinations are listed in the Guidelines to the Ohio Department of Health’s Level Two Certification in Food Protection. The guidelines were established to provide a foundation for the evaluation of test materials, instructors, uniform course content and reciprocity.  Any one wishing to offer the Level Two Certification in Food Protection will need to complete the following application.

Level 2 Training Guidelines


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