General Information
- If subdividing land that has an existing home on the property, see "With existing home application".
- If subdividing land for new building lot, see Building lot application and Building lot page for additional information on building requirements.
- If subdividing land with an existing home and to create an additional building lot, complete both Building lot application and "With existing home application"
- Determine zoning requirements. If un-zoned, contact township trustee.
- Determine acreage. If splitting off land, and any portion is going to be less than 20 acres, contact Curtis Yount at the County Commissioners' office at 937-547-7381. Must go though Review Board.
- Must meet all Health Department requirements for subdividing including, but not limited to: submission of "With existing home application" and/or Building lot application, access to a working county tile, county ditch, or a stream that flows year round. If a county tile/ stream is not available on the property then recorded easements to such drainage must be obtained. Easement area must include where the tile is located to county tile/ stream. Must have enough room on lot for home, well, septic, structures, replacement septic area, etc. in order to be approved for subdividing.
- Any existing septic system or new installation that goes through the subdividing process will be included in the Darke County Health Department's Sewage Operational & Maintenance Program. The frequency of inspection is dependent upon the type of system.